Livestock means the domesticated animals that are raised in an agriculture sector to produce labour and commodities like milk, meat, leather, wool, fur, etc. Livestock includes animals which are raised and used on farms like sheep, goat, cattle, buffalo, horses, camels etc. These animals are very important for human life in terms of food(milk), meat, leather, transportation, wool ,etc. Livestock has very important part in National GDP of PAKISTAN. It would not be wrong to say that Livestock acts as a backbone of Agricultural sector in Pakistan. And it is also a fact that agriculture is the backbone of NATIONAL as well as rural economy of Pakistan.Livestock has an important role in promoting socio-economic development in rural areas. Nearly 8 million families are involved in livestock raising and deriving more than 35percent income from livestock production activities.During 2017-18, livestock contributed 58.9 percent to the agriculture value added and 11.1 percent to the overall GDP compared to 58.9 percent and 11.3 percent during the corresponding period last year, respectively. Gross value addition of livestock at constant cost factor of 2005-06 has increased from Rs.1,327 billion (2016-17) to Rs. 1,377 billion (2017-18), showing an increase of 3.8 percent over the same period last year. It is a source of cash income, providing a vital and often the only source of income for the rural and playing an important role in poverty alleviation and foreign exchange earnings. Pakistan has the 3rd largest Herd of Livestock in world after China and India. Moreover, Pakistan is the 4th largest exporter of livestock/animal products (milk, meat, hides, leather, etc.) in the world. Also, Pakistan is now 5th largest milk producer in the world. Our country is the producer of world's best quality mutton and meat. Our country produces better quality milk and exports it. Pakistan produces and exports best Leather in world. All these things are exported to build up national economy and it is due to livestock.
Livestock is developing day by day in PAKISTAN and this development is a result of developing veterinary field in
Pakistan. Now Pakistan is heading towards more development in livestock and agriculture sector because technology is rapidly being adopted here. Veterinary sciences are being now developed for better caring, protection and treatment of animals. Above all veterinary field helps for proper Food and nutrition of adult animals as well as young and newly born calves.
1)Animals are fed according to their body conditions and Animals are treated from diseases with better medications at farms by veterinary doctors and farm's production is not affected.
2)A healthy livestock is very important for growth of rural as well as National Economy. Veterinary sciences help to manage the animals very well as animals are protected from diseases by protective measures and fed according to body requirement.
3)Moreover, our farms in some rural areas are not so much developed to coup with the challenges like outbreak of diseases and many other problems. We need to develop these farms in order to grow our economy rapidly.
4)Remember, PAKISTAN is an Agricultural country, where healthy Livestock has a great importance in order to maintain economy. And a healthy livestock can be kept healthy by advanced and modernized field of VETERINARY SCIENCES. So, we should make our VET. field as much advanced as we can, to produce healthy, better and protected livestock. Livestock welfare Laws should be implemented by government to make sure the safety of animals.
5)By this, our performance of agricultural sector would be increased and ultimately, our National Economy would be increased.